Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Last summer a local news station called my museum.

They wanted to do a piece on the (insert shameless plug here) science day camp that my museum has each summer. As we were talking, I was also attempting to cut and paste something within a Word document. As the conversation came to a conclusion, I said something to the effect of, "Great - we look forward to seeing you there. Paste!" And I hung up the phone.


What could they possibly have thought I meant by that?

Now I realize that, as a female, I am supposed to be good at multitasking. We've spoken of this before, you and I.

But truth be told, if you try to engage me in a conversation while I am watching the little-people-who-live-in-the-box in our entertainment center, and you fail to say my name before you begin your monologue, you might as well not even be talking, toots, cause I won't hear a word.

And it's not because I don't want to. What you say is valuable and worth hearing (husband of mine); it's just that I physically/mentally/emotionally/spiritually can't.

This used to make me feel bad. But I've concluded that I'd rather do one thing right than do two things wrong.

So friends, please don't choo-choo-choose to buy into the idea that you HAVE to multitask to be a productive member of society. If your version of multitasking is like mine, it involves filing and buffing your husband's nails during long distance drives, listening to Chicken Pop Pod while making an ice cream cake, and doing lunges while the photocopier collating.

Okay, so maybe I am the only one who does those particular things at the same time.

The point is, I call it uni-tasking. And it is the Ice Cream of the Future.

1 comment:

greg varney said...

hmmm? what were you saying?