Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Nudists with raging bouts of indigestion and balding canines

Within our countries borders, there exists an inordinate number of nudists with raging bouts of indigestion and balding canines.

You've probably seen one today.

But you feel certain that you would recall a pantsless belcher toting a hairless hound.

Ah monsieur, it is not so easy. Yet, not only have you seen them, you may live next door to them, work with them, and have, like, totally sat behind them during the worst movie ever made ever.

But, you might not have recognized them...until you got into their car.

I'm not saying that the moment you established contact with their passenger seat they simultaneously stripped down to their skivvies, plucked their dog bare, and downed a Boneless Variety Bucket from KFC.

I'm saying the car looks like that is exactly what happened five minutes prior to your arrival, as their car overfloweth with dog hair, food wrappers, and an Imelda Marcos equivalent of wadded up clothes.

The scariest part is that the odds are pretty decent that you would find a similar fare were you to open their purse, or tour their office , or accept an invitation into their home.

So, here's the tough love question: Are you a nudist with raging bouts of indigestion and balding canines? In other words, are you (or should you) be embarrassed about the current state of your car, your house, and your purse? Pick a corner...

Parting thought: Do you remember the kid you went to school with that smelled funny, and then when you slept over his house, his house smelled funny, too?

Don't be that kid.

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