Sunday, February 1, 2009

Substitutions, please

Prepare for jealousy.

I have a Tupperware Citrus Peeler.

It's true. It's the only tupper I ware. And I love it. It does the job and it's super sturdy, too.

I know this because I accidentally dropped mine in the parking lot behind the Double Decker Coffee Coffee Co in downtown Asheville...and then ran over it with my car. When I found it the next day, it was a bit dinged, but totally intact. Take that, Nalgene!!!

Anywho, thanks to its peel-piercing goodness, I no longer have to use my claws to dig trenches in citrus skin. That's right - no more residual rind residue beneath these nails, Nancy - I've got the tool to kick any pomelo's peel!

You see, I'm not one of these die-hard "if it wuz good enuf fer my momma it's good enuf fer me" types. Being a teachable gal sans a southern twang, if I find something that works better than what I have been using, I will totally make a substitution.

So, in honor of the 43rd Bowl of Super and Animal Planet's Puppy Bowl, here is a listy list of some o' my favorite substitutions:

-E-cards for paper cards : saves you money, saves the planet, & saves your butt when you forget someone's birthday.
-Canvas bags for plastic bags : tests the skills of your grocery bagger & are sturdier to boot.
-Binder clips
for chip clips : office supplies with culinary skeeells.
-Real maple syrup for (insert syrup name here) : just better in every way.
-Spinach for romaine : contains calcium, something my body needs any way. . . I like that.
-Correction tape for white out : addictive without the sniffing.
-One part hydrogen peroxide/one part water for whitening strips : whitens teeth & freshens breath on the cheap. Jus' swish and spit!
-Microfiber dish clothes for sponges : easier to clean with & easy to clean.
-Butter for margarine : yet another way to avoid eating plastic.
-Scour pads for steel wool: no more dishwashing induced rust splinters.
-One classic purse
for twelve trendy bags : Lasts for-ev-er & no more outfit dependant content swappage.
-Hankies for tissues : okay, so maybe what was good enough for my mother IS good enough for me.

And, unlike the Super Bowl/Puppy Bowl, I managed to do it without advertising specific brands. Unless, of course, you count my one piece o' tupper.

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