Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Donde esta la biblioteca?

Speaking of taking a trip to your local library, I have to share one of my favorite public library finds.

And no, I am not talking about the time I checked out "Belly Laughs" by Jenny McCarthy, which is freakin' hilarious yo, and you should totally read it, but only if you have an internal bleepidy bleeper, cuz that gal cusses like a sailor.

Truth be told, this blog has nothing to do with actually going to the library. Neither does it have anything to do with being preggers, so put a cork in it, Zane and stop being such a gossip girl! I'm not pregnant.

It has to do with calling the library. Specifically the "Library Storyline For Kids."

Now, stay with me.

For some wonderful reason, the Friends of the Buncombe County Libraries has a free 24-hour phone number you can call to hear a prerecorded children's story read to you, voices and all.

And who doesn't need one of those sometimes, I ask you?

This week's story is "Snow Buntings Lullaby" from "Tuck-Me-In-Tales" by Margaret MacDonald. I'm pretty sure that this one is a rerun, but who cares? You get to hear a wonderfully crazy lady read you a bedtime story about a baby bird whose mommy sings him to sleep, only to have the song stolen by a naughty raven...

I don't want to give away the ending, though. You'll just have to call and find out for yourself.


One last teaser: "Whose little toes are these? Whose little wings are these? Whose little beak is this? Are you asleep?"

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