Tuesday, December 16, 2008

King Kong and the Almighty List

An old friend of mine has a brother who was obsessed with King Kong. It's all he could think about. King Kong, King Kong, King Kong. The words echoed endlessly around in his head.

We've all been guilty of King Konging. There is that important something we need to remember to do, that crucial item that we must buy the next time we are at the place we buy things, and that certain place we are supposed to be on a certain day at a certain time to meet a certain person.

These thoughts hit you without warning, like a run by fruiting.

You see the plant. The plant is wilting. Poor, poor plant. If only someone would water the plant. Water the plant, water the plant, water the plant...

What am I going to make for dinner? Meatball grinders. But wait, I'm out of spaghetti sauce! Spaghetti sauce, spaghetti sauce, spaghetti sauce...

It's her birthday? Why didn't she tell me! How am I supposed to get her a card with a whoopee cushion in it if she doesn't let me know! I can't forget again! December 10th, December 10th, December 10th...

Are you catchin' my Frisbee? You are?

Well, never fear! The Almighty List is here!

All you need to do to take your King Konging captive is WRITE IT DOWN! And not on something that you are gonna lose, wash, or blot your lipstick on either.

Put it in its home, for Pete and Pete's sake. In your Palm Pilot, in your day timer, on your listy list list paper. As a fellow King Konger, I love me some lists and here are some reasons why you should love lists, too.

1. A list saves you time by answering the one question that of all my fellow seniles ask themselves upon entering a room: "What did I come in here for again?"
2. A list saves you money because you won't have to wander around the big box store pretending to look purposeful as you wrestle with the aforementioned question. We all know that as you do, you will inevitably fill your buggy with all kinds of things you never knew you needed before. All I can say is Sham Wow!
3. A list gives priority. Rank the things on your list so that when you find yourself wondering what you should do next, you can just remember what my favorite Spice Girl Elizabeth Elliot would say: "Do the next thing."
4. A list gives you focus. Hey, look at that bright and shiny object! Exactly. See why you need the list?
5. But, most importantly, a list saves you from yourself. It clears your mind, eliminates "King Konging," and helps you to accomplish the task at hand.

So, stop whatever it is that you are doing, and make a list! Unless, of course, it is not the next thing listed on your listy list list...


greg varney said...

what the heck is that "bright and shiny" thing?!?

bright and shiny... bright and shiny... bright and shiny...

now i'm gonna have to go write it down.

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel better, I don't know when your birthday is...