Nearly every day when I get home, I dump my purse out on the kitchen table. Whatever doesn't belong there is given a new "home" somewhere else.
Part of my job is to help people find "homes" for items that don't have anywhere to "live." That means that replica of The World's Largest Frying pan that you got the last time you visited Rose Hill, NC has gotta go somewhere, be it stored in a box of souvenirs, thrown in the garbagio, given to a thrift store, or displayed in all its glory your mantle.
But I digress. Back to my purse.
Typically when I clean out my bag, I'll find the odd receipt, pen, or random Post-It lurking in the depths. But, the other day when I emptied its contents out on the table, out rolled a sweet potato.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I confess: Your professional organizer had put a starchy edible tuber in her pocketbook. On purpose.
Here's the truth:
You're never going to have it all together. There will always be something to put away, throw away, give away. You will always have a junk drawer.
And it's okay.
And if you DO have it all together, you're a nerd and you need to get a friend or a hobby, cause you've got WAY to much free time on your hands.
The point of creating systems of organization for yourself is not so they can boss you around and make you live in a state of constantly striving for organizational perfection.
That's called a cult.
The point of being organized is to reap both the peace that comes from knowing where your car keys are and the time to spend doing the things that are really important with the people who are the most important to you.
The point is to do your creative best in the wondrous realm of organization, and still be cool if a sweet potato takes up temporary residency in your hand bag.
"A place for everything and everything in its place?" Ha! It's never gonna happen, even for an anal retentive professional like myself, so give up the dream, sugar!
And, if you are seeking closure on what home you should give to your replica of the World's Largest Frying Pan, mine is stored in my hope chest.